Readings of Interest

The following readings (PDF files) provide additional information on some of the topics I will mention in class. The are NOT required readings and are including here for your interest only.

Simons DJ (2000) Attentional capture and inattentional blindness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4: 1455-8 (PDF file)

Maguire EA, Gadian DG, Johnsrude IS, Good CD, Ashburner J, Frackowiak RSJ, Frith CD (2000) Navigation-related structural change in the hippocampi of taxi drivers. Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97: 4398-4403 (PDF file)

Reiss D, Marino L (2001) Mirror self-recognition in the bottlenose dolphin: a case of cognitive convergence. Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98: 5937-5942 (PDF file)